
I had to go with the GC. I ordered one over the weekend. It came with the Zelda bundle. I should get it tomorrow or Wednesday. It's going to be hard waiting for Christmas!

Thanks for everyone's input. It seems all systems have good points. It's a matter of what's important to each person. I was looking for a fun gaming system which would suit everyone in the family. Graphics were also a big issue. GC seems to have a some great graphics. Also, you can't beat the price. I know XBox's are better from what people have said but the playablity of the GC seemed to be better. When I looked at Xbox's site every game reminded me of games I could play on a PC. PS2 I have played a little in the past and wasn't overly impressed. Thats just me. Long story short, I went with the GC.

Edited by phi144 (15/12/2003 07:52)