>After all, all dotcomers were criminals, right?

Yes :-). Nobody get's money today by doing real work, isn't it? ;-)

I'm so happy having rowi.net instead of rowi.com, so I'm out of focus ;-). Nobody told me that dotcom stands for any domain else than .com :-).

The logo is so impressive to me that I will use it, so thank you again! One problem could be if I put in onto a big big banner. Resizing it to very big sizes may kill the bird. Do you see an option for this? Can you tell me how one could create this rowi bird in a big size? Surely it isn't possible to put the bird in a vector format, because it is too fine structured. The letters may be a standard font, so this should be no problem.

Yes, I know, I'm asking much and maybe I pull your nerves but I don't want other logos for the rest of my life. This is it...


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