Thanks, I'll take a look at that program too. Though it's a little clumsy looking for my tastes, and I'm only using X10 to control lighting. I also don't need all the other stuff that's going on with it. What's that stuff about "Comics Pictures"??

I definitely agree that the two-way modules that can light with preset dims and such are the way to go, but sadly, that costs a heck of a lot of dough. My system is made up mostly of the sale lamp modules X10 had for a while of the left-over stock of RCA units. I think they were like $6 a piece. The regular ones are $12!

Does anyone know a cheap place to get this stuff? All I know about is and

Oh, by the way, I bought an Activehome kit off of ebay for around $30. So there's a CM11a headed my way right now. Can't wait for it to get here