Okay, so I finally got the CM11a in last night. I am very tired.

I was up until 6AM. I re-coded every module and switch in my house, including the outdoor modules in the middle of the rain. I entered all the modules and macros I wanted into the Activehome software. I set up all the time information. I did all this work on it and it seemed to work fine. Now it keeps freezing up my computer. All of a sudden the connection program to the module will crash, I'll close it down, then try to load it again and the machine will more or less freeze. I think it's having issues with the COM port, but I'm not sure.

It's too bad, because the functionality of the program was actually pretty nice. The problems with it seem to be in the quality and (obviously) stability. The program feels like it's 16-bit. It just has that look to it. I feel like I'm stuck in Windows 3.11.

So, I'm back to either figuring out how to run this program in a stable manner, or finding other software. I've looked at Heyu, but that's only for Linux. I tried installing Misterhouse, but after attempting to get that installed and having to install Perl and all that, it wasn't worth it.

So, any ideas? I have a Girder plugin that lets me controll the CM11a, but then I loose all the macros and timers. ARRGHH! Why does X10 have to make such crappy stuff??