Anybody else care to contribute?

Traffic manager at a group of radio stations in Interior Alaska. I'm the guy who makes sure that all the commercials get on the air at the times they are supposed to be on, and that the clients get billed the correct amount for those commercials. I deal with 1000--1500 commercials each day (about 300 on each station).

I guess I am sort of second in command (after our chief engineer) as systems administrator for a two-server network (one Windows, one Novell) with 50 or 60 workstations on it. Was a beta tester for the traffic and billing software that we use to run the stations, bailed from that and refused to upgrade to the newer versions when they went to a ridiculous mouse-driven GUI system that would have increased my workload 25%.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"