The player software does not work the way you, I, or the bulk of the population would intuitively expect it to work. That's one reason why this stuff hasn't caught on more widely.

It does work well enough, in its own quirky way, and the devotees of this BBS will swear up and down over and over that it is the One True Way, and why would anyone possibly want it to be different. Not me, though.

A way to approximate the same ends as what you want, for shorter playlists at least, is to use Hijack's KnobSeek feature from within a playlist. Once activated, you can just spin the knob until your song appears on the screen.

KnobSeek is accessed by first setting the Knob Press Redefinition to "PopUp0", and then using a short-knob press to bring up the PopUp0 menu. Spin the knob until you see KnobSeek, press the knob once again to select/activate it, and then spin the knob until your track appears. One more knob press exits (or just wait a few seconds).


Edited by mlord (15/02/2004 16:30)