Rush - they've still got it!
Of course they do, even though I don't quite care for VT. It's just not my cup of tea. However, their last show was one of the best I've and I love the live versions of the songs off VT, even though they were exactly the same. (I still submit that something just wasn't right with the production of that CD).
Sting - 10 Sumners Tales
One of my favorite CDs. If you thought it was a good CD you shouldn't mark it down just because of its sucessors, especially since you're giving Aucthung Baby a pass (which, as I've stated, I also think is a great album). I haven't bought any of Sting's stuff since TST, though, so I'll have to agree with your analysis of his career.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.