Well, I guess I am just agreeing with what everyone else has already said, but I have very mixed feelings about this one.

I want to congratulate the guys@empeg. They have all put in a lot of hard work to make a great product and deserve the money and stability that this should bring to empeg.

But... I would never have given S3 $1500+ of my money. I think the Rio line of products are gimmikie at best and complete junk at worst. If this thing was the 'riocar' I never would have looked at it seriously enough to have discovered the features that made it worth buying. I think a lot of us bought into an 'empeg philosophy' here (excellent support for a cool product and the ability to actually discuss the benefits of the product with the designers and owners of the company). I don't think I would buy a Mark2 now either, I would wait and see what happens with this whole thing.

Anyway, just my .02 and I am a pessimist anyway so hopefully I am completely wrong here.


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration