I know exactly what you mean, Tony, but I don't ever seem to learn. I never wear sunscreen, despite all previous horrible experiences. I went to the beach about 4 years ago and didn't even wear sunscreen for half of the day (even though I had no shade and it was like 105 degrees out). I was already hurting when we started the hour drive back home, and I had to drive.

By the time we were home for an hour, I was already fully burnt. Completely red. Everything except for my bathing suit area My back got the worst of it, though. Like you, it didn't matter what I did. Everything hurt whenever I did anything...or nothing. The pain was so bad that I think it went numb for a while, then I felt it roaring back again. Lovely. It was so bad I had to stay home from work for two days to recover. Blisters are pretty gross.

Then of course I did it again about two years later. This time it wasn't as bad, but the problem was entirely different. The burn didn't hurt as much, so I was pleased and was basically functional and active. The redness was even going away pretty quickly. Then all of a sudden it hit me: the itching. My back itched so much I was completely incapacitated for about an hour. It was just horrible. I've never felt itching that felt like little needles piercing my entire back. And it wasn't just one at a time, it was in about 15 places at once.

I hate the sun.

Edited by DiGNAN17 (10/05/2004 11:22)