89! Woot!

Of course, you understand that those last 3 years are *really* going to suck, right?

Now I need to barricade myself in my house for the next 53 years to avoid being hit by a bus.

Oh, don't sweat the bus and go out and have a pizza. This is all a bell-curve exercise. You wouldn't want to be the *one* "89" guy who locked himself in, missed that wicked pissah pizza, then died of a heart attack, would you?

Wait, I also need to trim the nearby trees to avoid limbs killing me in my sleep! But then I might fall from the tree and die!

*Now* you're thinking!

Ok, so I'll hire a company to trim the trees for me and avoid the side of the house on which they are working. But wait, lightning may strike the phone lines when I call them, so I need to wait for the local thunderstorms to pass..

But then the storms themselves may be enough to bring down said limbs! Oh man, this is too stressful, now I need to take the survey again with my new (higher) stress level...

Down to 86, I think!

Me? Just 25 more years of this mortal coil bullshit. I wonder what the pizza is like in Heaven?

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.