So, here's a compromise. As an eternal rule in product sales, bulk is cheaper than individual. Sell both complete sets and individual sets, with individual units priced a little above their per unit cost, and complete sets reflecting a savings because they are in bulk. So, the guy who wants two sets of smoke pays $45 total ($22/set) and the guy who wants a complete set pays $90 total ($18/set).

And who is going to eat the loss on all the incomplete sets that have had their smoke and red sold individually? Once you start selling individual colours you _have_ to try and order as close to exactly the quantities as are actually needed, or price the individual colours well above the unit pricing in order to cover not selling the unpopular colours.

You've questioned how this could all work financially. Basically there are two options;

Firstly, someone fronts all the money and takes all the risk. It is only right and fair that they get to decide how to mitigate that risk and maximise the chances of getting that money back. If those decisions result in a profit then that is also fair. I'd expect to see pricing in the $40/colour range.

The second option (that you have indicated is your preference) is that this is done in a more collective manner - we all pool some cash to get this done and no one makes a profit. In this case, who takes the responsibility (and expends the effort) for handling and tracking sales? Who eats the loss on deadbeat buyers? I'd suggest that making the whole process as simple as possible would be a Good Thing(tm) for that person. Shift as many complete colour sets as quickly and simply as possible at a price that is maybe 10% over cost. Minimise that risk quickly. The last thing that you'd want is to be holding 50 sets of green that nobody wanted.

Before we get carried away, we really should remember that two people here have already taken risks and put their money on the line for buttons. Stu is out of pocket for a mould and Paul is currently down a player. I'd like to see both of those situations resolved before (or as part of) a community approach to getting buttons made. Let's not leave them in the lurch.
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