Well, I can bring the card up as eth2 (running IP tables and using my Linux box as my router), but I am unable to get a link light on the HPNA card. This may be due to the fact that I do not currently have telephone service. I have free VoIP telophony from my job. Unlimited calls/long distance and a real telephone number for full intergration with the POTS, therefore I don't really plan on hooking up a regular phone.

Can anyone confirm for me as to whether or not you need the telephone hooked up (i.e. to get the power that normally flows across the telephone lines) in order for the HPNA setup to work. If so...then I think everything is great as I can ifconfig eth2 and it then shows up with the parameters I passed to it. I do see the activity light on the HPNA card flicker occasionally though. Pretty easy to get up on Linux.....

Compile the package by untarring and then typing 'gmake' in the untarred dir. Copy the driver files (the ones with .o as the extension) into /lib/modules/'kernelversion'/kernel/drivers/net/

modprobe il
then configure using: ifconfig ethX XXXXXXXXXX

Of course...this is the manual way. After you have everything setup...you could simply add this to your startup scripts.
