I have had jrec and the jrec rio drivers working for a while and thought I would try out rioplay. I'm a bit confused and am hoping someone can help me out.

I'm on XP. I downloaded the rioplay arf and zip files. I extracted the zip into C:\program files\rioplay-
0.29alpha1, which is the default for the zip file. I have set up a boot directory for the jrec rio drivers and I extracted the rioplay arf into my default folder in c:\program files\rioboot\default, which is where I had originally had the jrec rio drivers/client. I have 3 rios, so I created folders for each ip address and copied the extracted rioplay arf files into each ip folder.

1) When I boot one of my rio's the nfs log goes bannanas with the following lines repeating endlessly:

NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\\dev\audio
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\\dev\ir
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\\dev\mixer
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\\lib\ld-
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\
NFS lookup C:\Program Files\Rioboot\tftpboot\

Over and over. The rio never boots.

2) What is the zip file for? I have it in c:\Program Files\rioplay-0.29alpha1. I don't get how it is used. Do I have to start something in this folder as well. I have tried putting the contents of this folder in both my nfs root directory (c:\program files\rioboot) as well in each of the default and IP directories.

Confused. Can anyone help me get this working.

Thanks in advance for any help.