
Thanks for the reply. First, while I thought I was fairly technical, this whole alternative Rio client stuff really has me humbled. It took me like 3 weeks to get jreceiver up and running (after installing the 40 programs it needs). It's nice though. Then it took me about a month more to get the jrec rio client working. I have been having issues with it, and want to try the alternatives.

As you saw above, I tried Rioplay, simply extracting rioplay into the tftpboot default directory, and it doesn't work. To answer your question, the directories in the log exist and there are files in each. I don't know what going on.

Then I tried your client. I nuked the contents of the default directory and extracted the rrr files into the folder. When I try to boot, it looks like it gets its image, but then it gets stuck looking for something in bin\sh, which does not exist in the default folder (bin does, but no sh).

Anyway, do you have any formal/informal documentation of how to set up rrr? I think that would really help me out. Thanks

Chris Locke