I appear to be having a similar problem.
Just bought a SonicBlue (Dell rebadge) receiver.

I have it playing music with the stock software (1.04) but the remote doesn't seem to work.

I've replaced the batteries.

In an attempt to see if the remote is sending anything I tried to capture the code with a learning remote, but it says it doesn't receive anything.

Any other suggestions or possible sources for replacment remotes would be good.


Well at least I know the receiver is working. I found a ccf file for the Dell Audio Receiver, loaded it onto my pda/remote and the player responds.

So can I fix my existing my SonicBlue remote or is their a place I can get a replacment?

One more question now I'm here. Does the Reciever support Hierarchical playlists?

Edited by talmou (07/10/2003 08:01)
Jim MK2#090000841 MK2a#120001050