My empeg battery line is wired direct to the battery (yes, via a fuse) and has been for a long time. The battery itself is only about 18 months old and is a good quality Bosch Gold unit.

If anything my accessories line might be a bit suss since the ignition switch in my car is pretty old and loose. Perhaps it's going low at a particular time during the boot sequence that's causing the problem? Would match Bitt's tests.

As for putting the empeg in every time, that's going to be damn annoying. 1) I park in a locked garage at night and 2) my car sits about 10 meters away at work, so normally the empeg stays in the car. That will just put extra wear on the sled and connector.

The thing is though this has only started to happen for me in the past few months and I haven't changed anything. So something must have changed either in the empeg or the wiring. I believe my wiring is pretty good though and should last longer than this.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)