The RIAA does need to go, since people can just make a CD with a few insturments and a computer now.
This is a bit oversimplified, I think. First off, it's analagous to saying "people can just make a computer game with a compiler and a computer now". It's true the bar is lower for entry into the CD business than it was even 10 years ago, but it isn't cheap. And even once you've got it you still need promotion and distribution, at least for now. The truth is, to create a CD you need not only a bunch of supplemental equipment (which is not getting any cheaper), but also the time of people who are good at tracking/mixing/mastering, which are not always the same as the people writing and performing the music.

The CD that I'm just finishing up now would probably have cost me over 20K if I'd not been able to get a bunch of favors from people (as it is, it still cost me a lot). I know that 20K is chump change compared to the 250K that record companies put down for a CD, but it's still a lot for the struggeling musicion who can't affort to quit a day job.

I'm not saying you're wrong about the RIAA, only that it's still not as simple as, "If I write a great song the everyone would love, can play an instrument, and have a PC, then that's all I need to get my music out there."
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.