I have instructions from Hugo for this very thing. When it's finished, I'll post it some place easily accessible. If you're a programmer, here is a copy of what Hugo suggested (keep in mind that this should work in theory and has not been tested) BTW - If someone hacks the volume first, then I'd love to receive your copy of the kernel via email. :)

The hack:

File: arch/arm/special/empeg_audio2.c (I think).

Easiest way is to simply patch mixer_setvolume() to use volume 90 (this is
100% - 100 is 10db gain) at all times. Probably best to do it like this:

dsp_write(Y_VAT,volume_table[90 /* was vol */ ].vat);
dsp_write(Y_VGA,volume_table[90 /* was vol */ ].vga);

...and not actually change the value stored in dev->volume otherwise it may confuse the player. Actually, I'm pretty sure it reads back, so the volume control might just work correctly, but be "stuck" at 100%.