Well, how about "the intend of the charming video is clearly to put down America by calling America a hypocrite." And to call this video anything less than ignorant wouldn't be right. I'm sorry it's a mean word. I wish I didn't have to use it.

There is no argument that the USA and Islamic Terrorists (or Saddam) are morally equal. This is so obvious, I really don't know where to begin in explaining it, and I hope I don't really have to, but: Terrorists aiming to destroy Western civilization and all infidels because they oppose Western involvement in the Middle East and Western culture as a whole does not hold the same weight as a government aiming to stop the spread of fascism and communism for the sake of freedom for those people and the greater good of the world. I am not saying that the USA is without blunders throughout the Cold War, but I'm not aware of any war yet that has been flawless. Just because the terrorists "think" they are as right as we do, doesn't not mean that the two are morally equal. I'm sure the Nazis working at death camps "thought" they were morally justified too. But hopefully, anyone reading this has the ability to see that Nazis and Islamic Terrorists are evil no matter how "right" they they think they are. And even the people out there that think that Communism is a neat idea (it just hasn't been done right yet), can see that America engaging in the Cold War to stop the spread of Communism and promote Democracy is a far more just cause than the two previous examples. I could go on, and I'm sure I'll be prompted to.

So, since the USA, with its involvement with the Contras (or whatever part of the video caught your fancy), is still more just in its cause, even if you disagree with the actions, than Islamic Terrorist who seek to kill all infidels, whether they be French, American or Canadian, until each and every one has been killed, the only way one can try to equate the USA and terrorists is to draw similarities between the actions of those terrorists and the Contras that the USA supported. (Sorry for the long winded sentence there.) This is a very weak argument.

If drawing loose similarities between actions, without allowing for perspective or moral intent, was enough to point out hypocrisy, I could make the following arguments:
  • Great Britain was a hypocrite for bombing Germany when they, at the same time, considered Germany's bombing of Britain as an aggressive act. (Don't allow for the fact that Germany was intent on conquering all of Europe and parts of Africa or any of the other, countless things about WWII Germany).
  • A police officer would be a hypocrite for shooting a man when he, in fact, considers shooting a person to be crime. (Don't allow for the fact that the man shot by the officer was in the act of attacking an innocent child with a knife.)
Brad B.