Has anyone compiled a version lrctool or lrc2sylt for the empeg, and is this even possible?

What you're asking for, a version of lrctool that runs on the empeg, shouldn't be hard to build. However, I think there are missing pieces of the puzzle that won't get you where you want to be. I won't walk through every possible scenario, because everyone's interpretation of this problem is slightly different, and the path changes depending on whether you're starting with lyrics you grabbed off lrcDB, lyrics from some other source, or are tagging your own files using the SYLT plugin or XMMS-SingIt.

There was a thread about the idea of doing the tagging on the empeg, where many people made suggestions on how it might work, but none of the suggestions were really complete, and I wasn't able to fill in the missing pieces of exactly how the process would work from top to bottom. I can't seem to find the thread at the moment, though.

Basically, the problem I see with your approach is that all you have is LRC files, which may or may not have [artist], [title] and [album] tags, and somehow you're expecting to be able to tell which LRC file matches with one of the thousands of FID files stored in /drive[01]/fids. How do you plan on handling that? Writing a script that pulls out the text attributes from the LRC and looking for those attributes in each text FID on your system could take a very long time, and that only works if the text tags in the LRC exactly match what you tagged your MP3s with. Loading the player database first and trying to search that would speed up the process, but wouldn't help with tags that don't exactly match, and I don't think anyone (other than the empeg guys) written any C code to parse the player's database file, so I'd have to port the database stuff from jEmplode. In the older thread on this topic, I didn't see any solutions to these problems. There are other problems that come into play depending on which other plumbing pieces you're using, but for your scenario, this seems to be the biggest problem. How did you plan to solve this?

If all you want is a version of lrctool that compiles and runs on the empeg, I can probably get that to you at some point. But I'd first like you to demonstrate to me exactly how you plan on using it to tag your files.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff