I admit mine comes from faith, but is that any more "abstract" than someone who comes to a belief by reasoning apart from faith? Ultimately all of our morality comes back to something we just accept is true, whether that be from internal, self examination or adherence to an external code. Who can objectively say which is more valid?

Who can objectively say? No one. That should be the point. Subjectively, we either decide for ourselves or let others do so by fiat (or fatwah, or Papal decree: you pick...) My own come from a combination of early, traditional but liberal mainstream Protestant teachings, a study of comparative religions, and many years of reflection and experience. Am I convinced mine is THE answer? No, only for myself, and that's open to reconsideration--which is the main reason why I wouldn't presume to inflict it on others. At the risk of becoming repetitious, I ask only the same consideration from those others.