I picked a bad time to jump into this conversation, as I have a software release to get out in the next few hours, but I just wanted to say I'd be back around later this afternoon to add some more thoughts to this discussion.

I know we've gone over this before, so I'd like to not rehash the same old material, but my point in offering to visit Jeff to talk this over in person it seems to me that the discussion of gay marriage often gets a bit abstract or theoretical (or theological?), and I want to remind you that beyond the abstract of "defending marriage", the place this issue hits home is in my home, and perhaps the homes of friends or family members of your own. Could you tell your gay brother that his happiness in a long-term relationship is not worthy of the same recognition as your own? Can you look into someone's eyes and tell them their relationship is not worthy of recognition and respect under the law?

Let's flip this around for a moment. Assuming that we can't be eliminated from the planet, what standard of behavior would you like gay men and lesbians to aspire to? Is it in society's best interest for us to be coupled, or not? Should we encourage fidelity, and stability in these relationships? If not, what's the alternative?
