I was showing off my (at that time) 4gb empeg, and the guy said, "could it hold my whole collection?", and I said, "it holds all of my favorites. How big is your collection?", and he said "I have about 1500 CDs".


Let's do a little math...

Grabbing average album from my collection, I see it's about 57 minutes long (many weigh in at 50 minutes or less, while others go all the way out to 70+ minutes). That album is 52.2 megabytes when recorded at 128kbps fixed bitrate.

So, 1500 x 52.2 is... 78,300 megabytes, which is 76.46 gigabytes.

It's a good thing they keep inventing bigger laptop hard drives, isn't it?

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris