The setup of roadmapgpsapp is tricky, and if it's not done exactly right according to the readme, you will see no maps on the screen. Go through the readme again and make sure you've done all the steps.

Here's a couple of the steps that tend to get missed and that I've given a special note to myself about, perhaps these are what you need to do?

Next you must upload the preferences and schema files I included into the directory
/usr/share/roadmap, you will need to make this directory. You can make the directory again using Hijack's FTP issuing the
FTP command 'cd /usr/share' and then saying 'mkdir roadmap'.

Now the important part- A symbolic link must be made between /usr/share/roadmap to /drive0/roadmap
To do this, while still at the command prompt type:
cd /usr/share
ln -s /drive0/roadmap roadmap
Tony Fabris