My development machine at ntl (who I am just leaving) was running NT4 Pro, Win2k Server and Win2k3 pretty much all the time. When any one of these was running full screen you would be hard pressed to know that it wasn't running natively. Mind you I did have 2GB of memory in the machine.

The advent of stable, high performance virtual machine software certainly does make maintaining different versions of software so much easier than it used to be.

I am even considering going this route if I ever get round to getting a colo box somewhere. I want to have both Linux and Windows available on my colo. Deciding which one to run natively would be a hard one though

I guess I could even run two copies of Linux, one stripped-down copy natively to act as a firewall and then run Windows plus the main Linux install under VMWare. Sounds like a lot to go wrong though...

...which makes me wonder how the new MS Virtual Server works. I wonder if you can bind the network hardware to one virtual machine and then have that virtual machine firewall traffic to the other ones. Hmmm, must look into that.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday