Ok today I got my MkII and I installed the software from the software install cd. It told me to upgrade to a newer version of software for the player so I did and when I start up the new version of Emplode everything boots up and as soon as it's done I get this message:
"Rio Emplode has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvience."
Error sig
Appname: emplode.exe
Modname: emplode.exe
Modver: emplode.exe
Offset: 0005a70

After this all it does is shut emplode down. I am running Windows XP on my computer. Can anyone help I can't seem to find an answer in the FAQ section. Thanks in advance! BTW this is my first time owning an MkII.
I also forgot to mention that sometimes when I open up Emplode and the player is highlighted when I click ok it tells me that the player doesn't appear to be connected but it is plugged in via usb.

Edited by Gallagher419 (05/01/2005 17:23)