12.95 A month is 155.40 a year I could Buy 3 Vcr's per year with that money. Plus I don't have a Phone line here so I would need to add one or use the more spendy broadband Tivo and all to record 3 shows SImpsons if its new, enterprise and Myth Busters. seems kind of spendy to me. As for Tivo's great guide my friend has tivo and says 50% of the time the guide is wrong for discovery channel anyways

I think The $12.95 a month service (combined with the Tivo, of course) is so much more than a TV guide. It is an intelligent programming service that accommodates itself to your particular preferences.

Once you tell Tivo to record a few programs (and you don't tell it to record "..Wednesday night at 9pm", instead you just tell it to record "West Wing" and Tivo will find it wherever or whenever it might be on) Tivo will start recording, all on its own, other programs that it "thinks" you might like. tanstaafl.
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