The view of the Bush administration as clearly (at least to me) been that they are making some tough choices to do what is best in the long run. A lot of it (the war, the Patriot Act) is questionable and only history will tell the truth.

As we all learned in the schoolyard, two wrongs never make a right. Our deplorable treatment of the war prisoners has already resulted in public beheadings, something not seen before in modern times. The main reason for the Geneva Conventions is enlightened self-interest; if we abide by them, perhaps our enemies will too when dealing with American prisoners; if not, then it is they who are clearly in the wrong.

As it is, although the world generally deplores such things as the beheadings, there is a very real sense that we have brought it on ourselves, and are continuing to do so. At the rate we're going it, can only get worse; perhaps much worse...