Especially after the S*#?@# snowplow comes by for the fourth time that day.

Get this.. I was shoveling the plowed snow out of the end of my driveway so that my Subaru wouldn't get caught in the new 12 inch deep ice pile the snow plow gave me when all of a sudden a snow plow truck stopped and told me I WASN'T ALLOWED to shovel that ice/snow pile back into the road to tapper it off. He said I'd get a ticket if I didn't move the snow off to the side of my driveway (rather than off to the end). And I'm sitting here with my shovel, not some high powered snow blower. He said it was a county road and what I was doing was against the law. Maybe I should send the county a bill for putting their "county" snow on my driveway.
Brad B.