I know Webroach is producing them, but it is as a limited by-product of the panel effort, and is likely to be difficult (and costly) to deliver handles separately from the panel.

Very true Rob. Also of note is that the handles we are producing, while appearing to be perfectly compatible with the stock fascia, would not look right at all.

Once we're up and running smoothly with the fascia / handle kits, if nobody else is doing anything with handles, Brandon and I can take a look at it again and see if we can figure out a cost effective way to produce them seperately. The biggest problem facing us (we wanted to be able to offer them alone from the start) is the geometry; it makes it difficult (in the extreme) to "nest" and cut out without a lot of wasted stock. Maybe we can look into casting...

But by all means, if anyone else would be interested in taking this on, go for it. And if we can be of any help, let us know.