Those who are fans of TvGoHome might like to know a new comedy series penned by Charlie Brooker and Chris Morris starts on Channel 4 (UK) on 11th Feb. Luckily (for Daily Mail journos everywhere) it is not called C**t but just "Nathan Barley".

Nathan's website is live at: ("www dot trash bat dot co dot cock")

A compendium of Nathan Barley listings is here - NB: Not safe for work!

An review here has some class quotes:

Nathan, who describes himself as a "self-facilitating media node", has a mobile phone that functions both as a camera and a miniature set of "MP3 turntables" allowing him to mix ringtones ("It's been out for three weeks in Japan; where's yours?"), drinks coffee at Grind Zero, Dutch wine at the Nailgun Arms and eats at the pretentious gastropub Regime, where beer is served in gourds and the food is autocratically chosen for you by a sensor that "assesses the electrolytes in your finger".
