There was a great link on /. in case you missed it which cited a great plan to rid/stay clean from spyware for Windows users. I've followed a very similar methodology with great success so far.

I follow that pretty much except for the SpywareBlaster program. I haven't heard of that before so I'm a little wary of it. In its place I use the new MS antispyware tool. Yeah, it's MS, but it wasn't theirs to begin with, and they presumably know what's wrong with their OS I also run into many people who still insist on using IE, so I insist on the Google toolbar as well.

Frankly, I was doing fine with Ad-Aware and AVG, but installed the others just to be safe. I put AVG and Ad-Aware on several people's PCs that I've built for them, and they've had no complaints so far.