I got in after work this evening to discover 4 letters addressed to me, from the "Domain Registry of America", each labelled "Domain Name Expiration Notice".

Each letter made claim to be notifying me of a domain name registration "due to expire in the next few months".

Interestingly, I don't recall registering these domains (I use eNom). Each domain name is the .info equivalent of one I do own. For example, I own differentpla.net, and one of the letters refers to differentpla.info.

However, when I issue a whois query, it turns out that these .info domains are registered to me.

I know that DRoA are a bunch of scumbags -- they've already been in trouble before.

Should I be concerned? Ordinarily, I'd just ignore these letters. Should I send them to someone? Should I worry about the fact that I appear to own 4 domains that I've not asked/paid for?
-- roger