The Royal Bank of Bush is running into difficulties

With the extraordinary profligacy of the EEC, I'd be surprised if we're in a much better state, this side of the pond.
To appease the French, the European parliament is moved from Brussels to Strasbourg each month.: Files are taken by a gleaming fleet of lorries, kept for that purpose; MEP's are entitled to living and travel expenses between, and at, both sites and the cost of the buildings to house all of this makes the senses reel.

I describe a very small, if I can mix my metaphores, tip of the iceberg in an obscene gravy train at most European's expense.

And that extraordinarily vacuous Mr.Blair, who will not be remembered for much except his chicanory, wants me to vote for its constitution!
I think not: Brits., put your X where Boxer puts his!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag