I think for me, this part of the article reaffirmed that you can't vote for a person based on what they say election year.
On Nov. 1, 2000, as George W. Bush was campaigning for the White House, he warned an audience in Minneapolis that the Democrats would lead the nation into a future of higher taxes and slower economic growth that "could mean an end to this nation's prosperity." Bush won the election in part by portraying himself as an antidote to tax-and-spend liberals. Yet despite this bold austerity rhetoric, discretionary spending rose 23 per cent in Bush's first term. Just over four years after harping on the dangers of fiscal irresponsibility, the President is on his way to making his own warnings a reality.

Looking back at this comment, and many others, Bush has very much done a 180 once he put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in back in 2001. It's a shame to see, and I wish we had some sort of process to keep the elected officials accountable for their earlier "plans" talked about, to maybe make such talk mean more then just an attempt to sway voters.