And here is my reply to the question of adding CGI capability to Hijack's web server.

It's not too difficult to add basic CGI program support (without seatbelts). Mostly a matter of having the server (khttpd) recognize the .cgi URL, and set up arg lists for an execve() one-way-branch to execute the program. Before doing the execve(), it must also reassign (dup) the open socket's file descriptor to stdout for the .CGI program.

But I think we're rapidly arriving at the time where a new distro is needed, with more userspace tools (like a more complete web server) and stuff. Mind you, that userspace webserver will initially lack the kernel's "playlist browser" capability (and .xml support etc..), but I think we can find a way to provide that eventually.

I'm currently near-150% tied up until April, when I hope to roll a new Empeg distro for my own use, and eventually release it here.

My current plan is to begin with the buildroot kit from Eric Anderson (Busybox + uclibc) and go from there. The empeg player binary and it's own libraries will have to live inside there, perhaps chroot'd.

The Hijack FTP server will definitely live on, as it is still the simplest way to get new and/or replacement software into a player. I may even extend it to support standard PASV (passive) FTP while I'm at it.

Anyway, that's what I hope to do. Others may beat me to it, of course.
