Note that this also means dumping the current closed-source empeg "init" program, which then makes it much simpler to stop/start the player, remount drives ro/rw, etc..

This can lead to such nice things as a FAST database rebuild running on the empeg to replace/supplement the way it (doesn't) work now.

And on-the-fly switching among multiple player versions, without even a reboot required.

And possibly installing Das U-Boot in flash (in place of the kernel), and having it load the kernel from disk. No more flash reprogramming needed for anything..

And an ext3 filesystem as the default, maybe. Gotta look at the RAM usage again, but I'd really want it on my 32MB players. Have it normally running r/o as now, but with the capability to switch to r/w for database updates and other s/w needs, and then back to r/o again, perhaps all automatically. EDIT: I suppose that could also be done for ext2 on lessor-memory players


Edited by mlord (15/03/2005 16:07)