Very possibly. Not all sync errors are caused by the ASPI thing.
I'm finding that out. With the ASPI enabled I am definitely having less sync issues, but a few pop up from time to time. Using a NEC 3500A now. Have half a mind to get my Pioneer 105 out of the old machine and use it for ripping. Never had issues with that drive. Im checking for new firmware for the NEC first, though.

Everyone is ga-ga over the Plextor drives, and I made do with a nice and cheap Lite-on drive.
Lately on the hardware forums I notice that enthusiasm for Plextor drives is dying off. They set up a new manufacturing plant a few years ago and Plextor's quality has apparently suffered due to cheap parts. More people are reporting issues with their drives. But thats basically hearsay, Ive not owned one myself.

Im starting to thinking about looking for a dedicated ripping drive that handles EAC's secure mode well, and is good at handling imperfect discs. Not finding many reviews that test that specifically. Just started looking though. That could be a hardware review site dedicated to ripping alone with all the different drives around.