But I'm still not sold on Shuttle. You can't upgrade it as much as I'd like, and there isn't a lot of room for hard drives.

You really have need of more then 4 hard drives inside a PC case? That to me seems rather dangerous, since one good power spike to the power supply and you have all the data toasted. I much prefer the idea of a server holding backups of anything important on my PC.

Shuttle cases are also quite upgradable in other aspects too. I could take my (now sold) Shuttle SS51G system, upgrade the motherboard to a Prescott or Athlon 64 capable board, add in a newer 350w power supply while retaining the same case I bought. I suppose there might be some preceived downside to being locked to a Shuttle motherboard, but they have proven they have staying power in the market, so I don't see them closing shop next week.

P series chassis also allow 3 expansion cards. I know the base Intel model offers the PCI-e 16x slot for a graphics card, a regular PCI slot, then a header for a PCI-e 1x card that would fit in the top of the case (though doing so reduces your hard drive capacity to 3). I have yet to find a desire to go beyond one AGP/PCIe and one PCI slot in a system for years.

Oh, I guess you could argue Shuttle systems can't do SLI video cards. Can't do SLI yet... would be the right phrase.