I opened the details tab on Emplode during the sync. It gets through:

Uploading database - check
Checking media - check
Deleting database - check
Removing deleted items - check
Uploading playlists - check
Estimating transfer size - check
Uploading tunes - check
Rebuilding database

--> At this point the player reboots and Emplode thinks the rebuild is complete and moves on to:

Writing player configuration

Emplode doesn't know that the player has reboot and eventually crashes. Meanwhile the player having a corrupt database tries to rebuild it. It finishes but will rebuild everytime the player boots up.

I can then do a manual rebuild and it fixes it. As a matter of fact, I can just do a "rwm" followed by "exit" and after the rebuild "q" and "rom" and "exit" and everything is fine without removing the database, tags and playlists. When I look, they're not there anyway.

I only have about 6000 songs, so I don't think its having to many FIDs...


Edited by JeffreyB (11/05/2005 00:12)