Okay. My problem was a little different in that the player would rebuild the databases and then reboot with emplode timing out. I agree with Tony - do you have any software loaded that might be holding a partition open or taking up memory?

Edit: rereading your post. Can you clarify: ...I can then do a manual rebuild and it fixes it. As a matter of fact, I can just do a "rwm" followed by "exit" and after the rebuild "q" and "rom" and "exit" and everything is fine without removing the database, tags and playlists. When I look, they're not there anyway. Are you saying that when you rebuild the databases manually with an "rwm; exit; <rebuild>; q" that there are no /drive0/var/database|playlists|tags files??? If so, that may be a clue to what is happening. Thanks.

Edited by pgrzelak (11/05/2005 08:48)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs