
I suppose it might help if I was working with the right source! After logining into CVS I did the following:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/triot co -P -r V016 trio

When I compiled this, I got several errors not being able to resolve the symbols:
class TRioUnitIntegerSetting
class TRioUnitBooleanSetting

As I found those classes in the current (wip) CVS checkout, I used them and successfully compiled and signed (using my on self-certified store) the jar files. I copied the two trio jar files (trio-0.1.6.jar & trio-applet-0.1.6.jar) over the existing jar files in the working distribution. The app came up, but I only got the Status tabs for the units, no Player tabs. The Rio Receivers themselves cannot find the tRio server. BTW, I was able to successfully rename the units and apply the changes. I did power down the receivers to be sure they reloaded from scratch.

When I copy the distribution jar files back over my compiled files, all works as advertised.

Am I using the right source code? If not, how do I get it? If it's not source code related, might it be the signing. As mentioned, I've never used signed jar files before. Are the receivers expecting the jar files to be signed in a particular way?

Any help is appreciated.
