An update...

I had all kinds of noise on the 2405 that, after trying all kinds of solutions, I thought was a defective BFG card. I RMA'd it and had the same problems with the replacement card. I called BFG one last time in desperation before giving up on BFG and they asked me to try plugging into the 2nd DVI port. I had tried that previously, but couldn't even get a signal with that port. Well, lo and behold, this SOLVED MY PROBLEM! So that first DVI on both cards is hosed...

I'm so glad that this fixed the problem that I'm not gonna worry about it for now. I'm just loving HL2.

So now, I'm trying to figure out how to best tweak the video settings to optimize my experience with HL2. I really don't know what anti aliasing and stuff is.

How do you guys tweak the settings when starting a new game? Is it just a game of trial and error? Is there a guide to all that somewhere?

There is a bit of weirdness going on when moving where the video doesn't keep up with my quick movement... It's like the screen gets split in half for a quick second... Does this have to do with AA?

- Thanx
- Jon