
1. In the 70's version, Veruca Salt meets her end in a room full of geese. In the Burton version, it's in a room full of squirrels. Which of the two was the one from the book, if either?



2. In the 70's version, the primary theme of the story is the morality play about being honest and not selling out, with the kids all spying for Slugworth. The Burton film does away with that theme, and instead goes for the theme of "Your family is the most important thing." Which, if either, of those themes is the one from the book?

Unless someone else gets it before me, get back to me this evening. Only reference to spies is made quite early in the new movie when grandpa joe mentions he used to work in the wonka factory.

BTW, how inb the hell do you have a kid and not have a copy of this book around the house? Do you not have good night moon and where the wild things are either?

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony