I guess this means you got the Mac Tony?

I've been using RDC on the Mac for about a year now. It came on the Office CD and is how I've primarily accessed my living-room PC. Lately I've been using UltraVNC on the Windows side and Chicken of the VNC client on the Mac. This lets me do some additional things like run truecolor as well as more easily restart/shut down the PC (RDC disables monitor properties and shutdown menu).

But maybe someone can help me find my ideal solution...

I'd like connect with my Mac to the PC and have access to a desktop that does not mirror or otherwise take over the desktop already being shown on the PC's local display. For example: PC connected to TV playing something, me accessing PC and its resources on the Mac, being able to run software that will not pop up on the TV.

I thought I had the solution with UltraVNC that *used* to have a virtual display driver and supported dual display. But that virtual driver is no longer developed/supported and I couldn't get it to run with the current UltraVNC releases.

I'm running TV on my PC and don't want to inturrupt that when I just need to quickly connect to it to check something out or run something. It's strictly to avoid pissing off anyone else watching TV. I'm planning to set up my other upstairs PC with VNC/RDC as well, but that's not a replacement for this requirement.

Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software