Microsoft has decided that having more than one person logged in at once is something that you have to pay a lot extra for, despite the fact that it' obviously feasible in XP Pro, since you can "switch users" and still leave the first user's programs running; it'd just need to display those. I don't know that Apple has any such thing at all;

Surely the fast user switching in OSX is just the same as the XP Pro situation in this regard.

Ugh. That's what adding too much new text when editing will get you: indefinite antecedents. I meant to say that I don't believe that Mac OS X has any facility to have multiple GUI sessions at the same time, not that it can't switch users; that definitely works the same way.

That is, you have to pay out the wazoo to get Terminal Services, but OSX doesn't have it for any price. AFAIK.
Bitt Faulk