about writing some kind of a signature to a new disk, claiming it is harmless. Anyone know if THAT would harm his RAIDs?

Thank you all so much.
First of all, you're correct, the sorage system is a dumb disk holder, no intelligence in it. And yes, it is cabled to a SmartArray controller, so the raid configuration is all in there.Now, I can at this point wait that the machine is rebooted after changing the power supply adapter, so my only worries are about the NT signature.

Tony, that's my worry, in fact. I do not know if the signature was actually put in them, but I am assuming it was, since that is the first question NT disk manager asks and, as you mentioned, it specifically states it is harmless. So what would someone technologically naive do? Answer yes, I assume. No way to know since the person is not here now, so I am left here crossing my fingers. HP part should be here soon. Guys, waiting is a nightmare.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg