I know from studying the laws a little in the past that the money doesnt have to exchange hands in order for one to prove the intent to sell stolen goods. I believe all that is needed is one party to announce their intention to sell, and the other to announce their intention to buy. Often sting operations will record these types of conversations with a wire, but their usability in court is questionable due to the fact that in most states both parties must be aware of the recording or have an audible beep every so many seconds. To my knowledge Nevada is oddly enough a "one party state" so that only one party need be aware of a recording to have the information admissable. You are right that getting more parties involved might increase the collective interest in seeing this to its conclusion. However, this is an odd position for me because I am knowingly involving others in purchasing goods that are stolen. Oddly enough I am buying my own stolen stuff hehe. I think I will just ride it out for a bit and see what the good old gumshoe can do or recommends.