Digging up an old thread here...

The problem could be their maps aren't precise enough for this-- after all their maximum zoom is not really that small if you try it. I can still see about a 3-block radius on their tighest zoom, which means maybe they stopped paying for really precise maps?

I've been thinking about this, and I think the problem is that Google Maps changed the output format so that the line is drawn at whatever resolution is needed for that particular zoom level. So if you're zoomed out to see the entire route, the drawn line is gonna be pretty darn innacurate.


Google Earth has a very nifty little, easy to parse, very accurate, XML format file when you use it to get directions. Just fire up Google Earth, get directions somewhere, and then right-click on the list of directions and hit either "copy" (to get the XML onto the clipboard) or "Save As" (to make a KML file of the same text). Note: If doing Save As, don't do KMZ as that's a zip file. Do KML.

Anyone wanna take a stab at updating "Parse_google.py" or "fromGM.exe" to read the Google Earth KML files?

Edit: Note: I'm also experimenting with what happens when I feed "FromGM.exe" a URL that's been pre-zoomed-in as far as it'll go.
Tony Fabris