Wow and Yikes in the same breath! That's a grand-daddy of a horror story!
I have another to add to it, but mine wasn't as bad- more like a warning.
I moved from Milwaukee to the SF Bay Area and hired a company to move the stuff.
Not much furniture, mostly boxes and boxes of stuff.
Here comes the warning- the initial quote was based on volume. They asked "Is this a one-room apartment?"
My thinking was, "yeah, all this stuff I'll be leaving in the garage for you to pick up, so, yeah, it's not a large volume."
After they picked up and during delivery a new price came through based on weight!! Boxes of books are a lot more dense than a kitchen table.
In the end I paid about double what they initially quoted. I got every single piece of stuff, though, so I'm very happy for that.
Since I was moving for work, they agreed to pay for it- but I gave them the initial quote and was stuck with the balance... hmmph.
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